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 Special Offer:


A signed hardback copy of The 2012 Story (2009), with the 3-CD program Unlocking the Secrets of 2012 (2007) and a booklet of a chapter from my forthcoming novel, Remembering 2012.  $25 plus $3.95 s/h to U.S. destinations.   I have only 20 of these packaged and available for this special offer. Please go here for more description and to order via Paypal.

Also available direct from the author:

Lord Jaguar’s 2012 Inscriptions (2011). Order here.

Reconstructing Ancient Maya Astronomy (2012). Order here.

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My earlier books, such as Maya Cosmogenesis 2012 (1998), Galactic Alignment (2002), and Pyramid of Fire (2004) are still in print and are best ordered at online venues such as Amazon or eBay.  These are all also available as Kindle books.

Downloads, iPod versions, and re-release of earlier books coming soon