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John Major Jenkins books:

My major published books are listed below beginning with the most recent. The three most recent books were published with my own imprint, Four Ahau Press. The reason for this was the pre-2012 time restriction on sharing the late-breaking research, as well as the increasing difficulty of getting my rational, well documented research on 2012 published. After 2009 there was an increasingly reactive and irrational climate of treatment of the topic. The first nine books listed are still in print and available for sale. See the “Books” page.

Reconstructing Ancient Maya Astronomy (Four Ahau Press, 2012)

A Bio-Bibliography of the Writings of John Major Jenkins: 1971 to 2012  (Four Ahau Press, 2012)

Lord Jaguar’s 2012 Inscriptions (Four Ahau Press, 2011)

The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History (Tarcher/Penguin, 2009)

Unlocking the Secrets of 2012 (Sounds True, 2007). This is actually a 3-CD “audio book”, 3.5 hours.

The Pyramid of Fire: A Lost Aztec Codex (Bear & Company, 2004). Co-authored with Martin Matz.

Galactic Alignment: The Transformation of Consciousness According to Mayan, Egyptian and Vedic Traditions (Inner Traditions International, 2002)

The Key to the Kalevala, by Pekka Ervast (Blue Dolphin, 1999). I facilitated the translation, edited, compiled the bibliography and notes, and wrote the Introduction for this translation o Ervast’s classic book of 1916.

Maya Cosmogenesis 2012: The True Meaning of the Maya Calendar End-Date in AD 2012 (Bear & Company, 1998)

Izapa Cosmos (Four Ahau Press, 1996)

The Center of Mayan Time (Four Ahau Press, 1995)

Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1994). Originally released with Four Ahau Press in 1992.

Mayan Sacred Science (Four Ahau Press, 1994)

7 Wind: A Quiché Maya Calendar for 1993 (Four Ahau Press, 1993)

Mirror in the Sky (Four Ahau Press, 1991)

Outside the Cage (Four Ahau Press, 1991)

Scenezine Selections (Four Ahau Press, 1990). A collection of early essays and travel reports published in the Chicago-based arts and music newspaper called Scenezine, editor Bill Jenkins.

Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Four Ahau Press / Self Publications, 1989)