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Life, Innovative Writing, and the Enjoyable Read

Posted by on April 2, 2015

The past two years have been challenging as I take stock of 25 years as an independent  researcher and freelance writer. I was blessed to be in love with a wonderful, special  woman for 16 years, through much of this time, but alas the changes in life can pull people apart.  Married for 14 years, bought two houses together, dreamed of starting a family, traveled in exotic locales, walked down the red carpet together, entertained friends and family, nurtured and loved our two cats, laughed and cried and learned from each other. So many special memories.

Time continues its relentless march forward, and I find myself once again emerging from a life transition, a liminal zone between chapters of life. I’ve been here before. There is loneliness and soul searching, regrets and gratitude. And amid the quandaries there are inklings of new directions, new attitudes, and new approaches.

The past twenty months have been filled with unexpected discoveries, personal set-backs and challenges, organizing my previous writings, continuing publications, and insights within a new field of exploration for me. My approach draws from historical and cultural research but is more literary in expression. This mode of writing has actually always been with me since the beginning, from early character-driven travelogue books, to short stories and the writing of poetry, to my Boulder history writings, to my as-yet unpublished novel, written largely in 2005.  During this time the face of publishing and reading tastes has changed radically. It’s a bit difficult to adapt to the changes when it doesn’t seem like it’s going in the right direction. How to find a creative balance? That’s the challenge, and I feel I’ve been forging a style that finds the balance between what is appealing to readers and what I’m drawn to explore as an innovator and artist.

So, the writing life continues. More to do, more to share, and more friends to make along the way.  Literary innovation and enjoyable reading can co-exist!


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